Video Streaming Platform

Enterprise Solutions, Video Distribution, Streaming Services

Publicly-Traded US Company Offering Video Distribution and Streaming Services

Project Introduction

Matellio designed a single, web-based solution to centralize Network Operating Center monitoring and provide detailed network performance and log data, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs.
This solution involves a sophisticated integration of internal and external data sources to provide a comprehensive view of network health, utilizing advanced monitoring tools like Prometheus to offer real-time analytics and alerts.

Industry Brief

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Media and Entertainment


Enterprise Solutions, Video Distribution, Streaming Services

Our solution highlights the critical role of continuous network monitoring in the Media and Entertainment sector, especially for streaming services where constant uptime is crucial. The deployment of our centralized monitoring system ensures that streaming services can maintain high availability and superior service quality, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty in a highly competitive market. This proactive monitoring not only secures operations but also provides strategic insights that enable service improvements and innovation.

  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Network Monitoring
  • Video Streaming
  • Operational Efficiency

Technology Stack

Leveraging cutting-edge and established technology to ensure scalable and reliable solutions.

Highlights of Network Monitoring for Video Streaming Platform

Proactive Monitoring

Our systems enable proactive issue detection and alerts to operations staff, preventing potential disruptions.

Efficiency Optimization

Our solution reduces the time required for network health checks from 60 minutes to 2 minutes per customer, demonstrating significant efficiency gains.

Advanced Data Integration

We integrate data from various sources to provide a seamless monitoring experience that supports superior decision-making and operational transparency.
