Hopefully, you must have invested enough amount in developing the website and have made you a strong digital presence. The best case is when you spend an amount and you get the desirable results from that. But the bad case occurs in business when you spend an amount and don’t get the desired outcomes. Above all, the worst happens when you don’t get to know the reason and the technical cliches keep you completely blind from what is actually stopping you from branding your business and converting the prospective customers into leads and then into opportunities.
Every year Google reveals its guidelines for websites and every now and then many websites pops up over the internet world but very few of them have a strong presence and actually work for the businesses. Why does it happen? Why marketing techniques do fail? Why the hell your every effort for years goes in vain? Why? Here is the answer, “Website Speed optimization”.We know you would not have discussed this earlier with your marketing teams or the hired outsourcing partner. Here is a quick guide for the tricks to optimizing your website speed, major harmful issues for the website which results into deteriorated ranking and a quick reference to”How matellio can make your website deliver the desired results”.
What is Website speed optimization?
Website speed optimization is the blend of steps and the tweaks to make page loading faster and swift. The delayed loading of the page results into the negative impact on Google ranking. The introduction of mobile apps and mobile based websites have increased the demand of the user and every .25 seconds of turnaround time makes s significant impression over the psychology of user. As the user hits the link, he wants the web page to load as quickly as possible, a little delay results into the aversion. According to the facts, every year 1.6 billion of revenue loss occurs to the delay in page loading or turn around time. For e-commerce companies, the store must load in 2 seconds, otherwise, the visitor leaves the interest from the page.
Major issues on Websites:
Majority of the websites not getting enough number of visits per day tend to analyze the story behind the scene and find the speed as an important issue. What are the tweaks that can be made to increase the speed follows the number of issues that push the speed to slow down?
- Complex UI: No doubt, the impressive website is always elegant in design. The eye-catching designs are one of the core reason which puts you ahead of the crowd, but sometimes it comes out costly too and takes a toll over the speed of websites. The heavy graphics and animations are not easy to load first time over the browser, however later, the cache loading makes it easier.
- Shared hosting: Shared hosting is the most recommended hosting type for small business websites. The websites which are not functioning hard and are made for the informatory purposes are well suited for the shared hosting. But as the businesses grow and start integrating the processes like client profiling, selling goods, and receiving the payment through the website, it needs enough amount of space to manage the database and respond to queriesLoading the complete JS file and CSS every time you reload the page is not a good option from the developer’s perspective and user perspective. Instead, going through the external libraries and calling the particular function is an easy task for the servers and takes less time.
- Inefficient code: Code is the backend of the website. Easier the code is, faster the website operates. When the code is cliche and complex and if sometimes contains the irrelevant section, it becomes hard for the server to handle. Though the irrelevant section does not directly affect the turnaround time for the webpage still it takes a few milliseconds more to load a complete webpage where the few sections are of very less use to customers and can be an off for customers.
- Sudden spike over the webpage: For the businesses suddenly started boosting the web page and running the digital marketing campaign, the sudden rise in the number of requests becomes hard to manage. These are generally issued with the small businesses or startups which are not ready for the high server load and traffic spikes to manage.
- Excessive plugins: Plugins are the powerful tool that saves the time and cost of development by rendering the capabilities which otherwise takes a lot of time and effort. But for website speed, less is always more. The recommendation is to use the plugins which are only necessary and eliminate the one, not serving the required results.
How does Website speed optimization influence conversion?
Website Speed optimization is a set of few important tweaks in the business website, which not only improves the turnaround time but also increases the lead. A slow website is a turnoff for your customers, therefore, it is needed to remove the fancy content and add more important aspects to your website. There are few techniques of Website speed optimization which can easily be in targeted
- Easy graphic loading: No user likes to look at the spinning images. The heavy graphics and animations are however interactive but take a lot of time to load. Replacing the heavy images with the lighter decreases the turnaround time.
- CSS loading: CSS enables the style, font, margin, padding, and indentation over the webpage. This CSS is always modifiable, but the boating CSS makes page heavier to load which requires effort from the server to read the instruction for every element.
- Mobile friendly websites: Around 80 percent of the websites are searched and scrolled through the mobile and smartphones, Therefore, it is necessary for the websites to be mobile friendly. A web page compatible with every screen size is more likely to achieve the higher rankings. This coined a new term, called the accelerated mobile pages (AMP).
Additionally, there are also few tools available to test the speed of the website and if you are unaware of these tools, then just google “how to test website speed?”.
How Matellio can help you?
The perfect strategy to stay inside the competition is to stay consistent all through the ups and downs. For this you a need a competent outsourcing partner. The reliable company providing assistance in marketing your business can reveal a range of benefits for your website and business which can convert into leads. Matellio is the credible solution provider, backed by the strong team of developers, digital marketer, and strong and experienced management. Digital marketing is the highly competitive industry which is constantly rising over the years, but the lack of optimized strategy results is what matters the most and defeats the large investments up to an extent. The solution is just a call or mail away, communicate with the expert personnel in Matellio and stand ahead of the crowd.