The fintech industry is changing by adopting the recent digital trends. Navigating the new world within fintech can be challenging for financial organizations. It is because consumer demands are also changing, and they wish to embrace new financial technologies. All of these changes have to be managed well. It is essential for the successful future of the business that financial organizations trust to have a fintech business consultant with them.
So, through this blog we will be discussing about some of the crucial insight one must have before hiring business consultant for fintech industry.
State of Fintech Industry and Significance of Fintech Business Consultant
Transformation can be witnessed in recent years for almost all industries. Businesses are adopting digitalization and trusting digital transformation consultants to lead their businesses in the right direction using technologies. The fintech industry has also transformed post-pandemic. In the coming five years, the market growth of the fintech industry is anticipated at a CAGR of 13.7%. (SOURCE)
Emerging technologies reshape the financial services landscape, and companies can easily align with digital trends. It has allowed enhancing the customer experience and strengthened data privacy and cybersecurity.
There are no wonder why financial organizations are integrating technologies, but managing this change is challenging. This re-shaping of the financial industry will require alignment with financial regulatory compliances. So, expertise in the fintech industry is necessary to handle this situation. Fintech business consultants offer successful navigation to this vital transformation that the industry is going through. They are experts who know how to lead the entire financial organization in sync with technology.
1. Perks of Fintech Business Consulting
Hiring fintech consulting services is always a good idea for financial organizations. Fintech enterprise solution development includes planning strategies for marketing, risk analysis, technology integration, resource optimization, and others. All these are handled with perfection by a fintech consultant. Their expertise can help the organization face challenges by efficiently implementing the plan and integrating the latest technologies. Here we have jotted down some of the major benefits of hiring a fintech consultant for your organization:
2. Improves Team Bonding
Not one or two, but businesses are composed of several sub teams clubbed together to form one dedicated team. Fintech is an industry that requires teams to manage customers along with different stakeholders. It also requires frequent collaboration with developers for fintech software development. Ensuring that all these individual teams are working together needs monitoring. It is a consultant that looks after these teams’ integration and ensures that it brings out useful products for the company’s growth.
3. Offer Education for Innovation
The consultant working for the fintech industry has to be an expert to understand the relationship between financial services and its transition due to the latest technology. As we added above, multiple teams are involved in a single project. So, it is the consultant’s responsibility to make sure that the innovative ideas and their implementation are clear to every member involved. Educating the internal team is vital to ensure the success of any new financial plan. It rings everyone on the same page, and working becomes smooth.
4. Easy Shifting and Navigation
Another advantage due to which financial organizations hire fintech consultants is to manage the changing landscape of this industry. It is very important to understand the evolution that digitalization is bringing. The potential of the technology can be seen through the market shifts, and the consultant can assess the requirements of your organization. With the help of a fintech consultant, you can bag valuable insight that can reshape the strategies of your business positively.
5. Reduction in Resource Wastage
Embracing technologies to keep business strong in the market is what every industry does. Financial organizations offer long-term services, which means the technological integration has to be done with multiple resources. Targeting different resources can help the service’s smooth functioning in the long run. It requires better management, or the money spent on resources will be wasted. By hiring business consultants, financial organizations eliminate overspending and reject inefficient resources.
Vital Questions That You Must Ask Before You Hire Fintech Consultant
Hiring the right business advisor or consultant has always been a cost-effective way for businesses to grow. The hiring done by enterprise business consulting is to leverage the consultants’ knowledge in a specialized area. From developing strategies to expanding the business market growth, the consultants have their role in all. After learning about the perks that financial organizations can have from consultants. It is vital to hire these wisely, so here we have brought a few significant questions that you must ask before saying yes to any fintech business consultant:
1. Can You Talk About Your Process for Going About Work?
It is one of the significant questions that must be asked before hiring a fintech consultant. The answer to this question will help you understand the consultant’s strategy for your business. The process they follow will give you a clear insight into the results your business will see after they join you. Financial organizations have multiple processes involved, and the consultant has to provide strategic planning to achieve specific goals for each of them. So, learning about the work process they follow is always vital.
2. What will You Like to Change About My Business if We Hire You as Our Fintech Business Consultant?
It is another crucial question you must consider asking the person before hiring them as your fintech consultant. Through this answer, you can judge the observational capabilities of the person. You will get an insight into how deeper the consultant will dive to determine the solution to any specific issue the business faces. This question does give a glimpse of the potential that the consultant carries within. You will also get an idea of the consultant’s overview of your business and what points are missing from their end.
3. What Access Do You Need to Our Data?
It is essential to learn how many parts of your data will be shared with your fintech consultant. As we said, there are multiple processes involved within a financial organization. Working for this requires the consultant to develop a different strategic setting. Data is based on these strategies, and any vital decision will be made after analyzing the specific portion of data. This kind of question is also asked when you hire software development services. Because in both cases, it is best to know ahead of time what access will be required so that the processes are not hampered, and the results are positive.
4. Will You Sign a Letter of Confidentiality?
It is always a wise decision to think about the security of your business from every aspect. You need to share a large portion of data with your business intelligence consultant for fintech. Only then will they be able to help your business to grow in the right direction. You must ensure that the data or any other access they have for your business is safe with them. Because even a small piece of information being leaked can be dangerous for your growth. No matter how good the consultant is, you must ensure their professional loyalty by asking them to sign the confidentiality letter.
5. Can You Show Us Some Testimonials of Your Work as a Fintech Business Consultant?
Who does not want a skilled consultant with an outstanding working track record? When you consider hiring consultants, you will come across many such track records which will make you wonder, but is it wise to believe the record always? No, when hiring a consultant for a fintech business consulting service, you must seek a testimonial from any previous clients that the consultants have worked with before. The testimonials might offer you the information ensuring that the person is reliable and fit for your organization.
6. What Are Your Views About the Fintech Industry, and What Is Your Basis for those Opinions?
A good consultant should have traits of both the student and the master. They must be a student when it comes to learning about the latest scales or trends that the financial industry is embracing. On the other hand, the fintech business consultant should be a master of the business they are connected to. They should be able to integrate their learning into the organization and help it grow. So, it is vital to ask them their take on the fintech industry and the source from which they have developed the perception.
7. What External Information Can You Provide Me About Your Functional Area of Expertise or Industry?
What is the key advantage of hiring a fintech business consultant for your organization? It is that they come with an external perspective on your organization. Now it is significant that every business aspiring to grow must consider what their competitors are doing. Learning about the trends followed by financial organizations helps analyze the missing part of the business. It prepares the organization to become better with its offerings. Consultants bring this insight with them and allow financial organizations with external information, which helps the business to learn from them and grow accordingly. Now it is nowhere similar to doing what others are doing. Rather it is more about becoming even better than them.
8. What Protocols Do You Follow About Being Flexible with Work?
Another significant question you must ask when you set to hire fintech consultant is operational flexibility. There are times when certain projects need a tight schedule and commitment. The team working has to exceed their limits and work even on non-working days. So, it is vital to learn whether the consultant you are hiring is flexible as per the organization’s need or do they have any certain protocol for the same.
Essential Tips to Help You Find Right Business Intelligence Consultant for Fintech
It is a challenging task to find the best-suited fintech consultant for your business. It is challenging cause one minor mistake can cost your company’s growth. After the questions here, we have presented you with some simple yet impactful tips that will help in hiring a fintech business consultant.
a. Choose After a Test Task
You must assign the consultant to a test task. Based on the result you draw from the test and then considering other observations, you should hire them. For example, you can ask them to suggest a feature that will enhance your investing application. By this, you will gain confidence about hiring them for your projects.
b. Check the Track Record
We also have mentioned above that checking for the track record before hiring a business intelligence consultant for fintech is a wise choice. It would be best if you asked for their previous client testimonials to understand how well they have been offering their services in the past.
c. Check the Niche Specialization
There are multiple niches even within the fintech industry; the consultants you hire will have a certain specialization. You must learn about the same as it will help you understand the growth they will bring to your organization.
Also Read- Financial Software Development: A Complete Guide for Businesses
The impact of COVID, emerging technologies, and many other factors are shaping the trends of the fintech industry. Companies need help adopting these digital changes and maintaining a balance between their objectives and resources supporting their business. It is where fintech business consultants are required.
Through this blog, we have tried our best to ensure that you have the right questions to ask when you hire consultants for your fintech business. Business consultants help organizations to grow with large investments and choose what is right for their business. Any aspect connected to your business is analyzed through their knowledge, and then the decisions are taken.