6 Simple Actions To Improve The Response Time Of Your Site

Updated on Sep 23rd, 2024

6 Simple Actions To Improve The Response Time Of Your Site

The world is moving fast, and it’s no surprise that the world expects this same type of agility and speed when they’re browsing the web. Now the question arises here is, why should WE care about speed? Well, it is crucial to know that page time decides whether the visitors to your site will explore further or not. However, to lose out on page views and traffic, your ROI and conversions also go for a toss if the page is not rendered well. 

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Website Response Time

1. Minimize the HTTP Requests
2. Compress to Impress
3. Browser Caching
4. Minify the JavaScript and CSS Document
5. Stay Away from Redirects
6. Monitor Your Server Performance

1. Minimize the HTTP requests 

Minimize the HTTP requests

The more significant part of the response time is spent while downloading the front-end components of the page- images, scripts, CSS, etc. Therefore, fewer components to download means fewer HTTP; hence, the faster response time of your page. You would probably find it a bit challenging in the beginning, but if you want your site to perform well, its the right time to take the initiative.

2. Compress to Impress

Website Compression

An excellent way to improve the performance of the website. In general, Compression helps reduce the response time of your site by shrinking the size of the HTTP response. The method to do this is Gzip. It assists in decreasing the response site by almost 70%. In general, servers choose which file type to Gzip, while most sites compress their HTML content, consider taking it one step further and compress even your scripts and style-sheets. This will help reduce the weight of your website and significantly improve user experience.

3. Browser Caching


It allows assets on the website to be downloaded to your hard drive into a cache, or temporary storage space. Those files are stored locally on the system, which allows subsequent page loads to increase in speed. Further according to Tenni Theurer, formerly of Yahoo! Explains that 40-50% of daily visitors come into your site with an empty cache. So, when the users visit, you probably need to make it so the first page they see load quickly enough so they will inevitably continue through the rest of your website. All you required to do is to ensure that your mobile browser uses local memory to cache resources to avoid unnecessary server requests.

4. Minify the JavaScript and CSS Document

Minify the JavaScript and CSS Document

Basically, to minify means to remove all the unnecessary documents from the source code without losing any of its functionality. It also reduces the size of the downloaded file, this method works exceptionally well for JavaScript. And thus, it has a direct impact on improving the response time of your website. Also, you could do it manually as well, but why to bother when you have tools like JSMin, Packer, YUI Compressor, which could even compress your CSS files. Ensure that you Minify all JavaScript and style sheets on your mobile site to reduce the overall bandwidth consumption and which would improve mobile caching.

5. Stay Away from Redirects

Stay Away from Redirects

Avoid the redirects as they intentionally slow the response time of your website. This usually happens because nothing on the page can be loaded until the HTML from the new location arrives during the redirection,

6. Monitor Your Server Performance

Server Performance

Even if you have the best performing, efficient and most beautiful designed website ever, also if your server is not working correctly, then it is all going in vain. You need to remember the primary point of your website is to improve traffic and make money. Also, the trendy and glossy style may seem to be well and good but also could be detrimental if your visitors are waiting for more than 10 seconds to access your site.


To wrap up

 From your page load times to where you actually want them to is the most challenging part. But it would have a positive impact on your site performance. It is now crucial to remember all the above tips to achieve your desired site speed goal. Moreover, you are not required to implement all of them today. Spend some time looking through your site’s speed results and look for the issues that have the most significant impact on your load times.From there, you can work your way accordingly, by going through this list and look for other easy wins. 

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