Today’s digital world has made everyone a busy person, and that’s the main reason for the popularity of food delivery apps. The food delivery market, which was drastically transformed with the introduction of Uber-like mobile apps, made a significant impact on the present generation. Everyone today wants their favorite food delivered to their doorsteps, and therefore food delivery app development became a necessary need for the food marketers.
At present, there are lots of popular food delivery apps available in the global market, like, GrubHub, DoorDash, UberEats, Amazon Prime, etc. – but many new apps joined the list of most popular food delivery app. Postmates is one such popular food delivery app that has made a significant impact on the food delivery market. This US-based food-delivery app offers some robust functionalities to all its users. Hence, if you’re planning to invest in food delivery app development, then surely apps like Postmates could bring your more revenues and profits.
So, in this article, we’ll be covering vital aspects of developing an app like Postmates. But before we dig in, it is essential to discuss the initial term – Postmates.
What is Postmates?
Postmates is a US-based courier delivery company that is currently operating in almost 2940 US cities. This on-demand digital delivery service promises its users the fastest delivery of their favorites at their doorstep. Founded in 2011, in Sans Francisco, Postmates became the pioneer in the food delivery sector due to its robust features and quick shipments. This excellent service leverages GPS (Global Positioning System) to match the inventories with customer demands. Furthermore, it’s effortless to work in Postmates. You can use any of the vehicles like a car, scooter, van, and so on. Even if you’re a pedestrian, you can work for Postmates without any trouble, you simply need to fill up a form, and you’re good to go! Not only that, the order process of the Postmates is flexible too. The order and payment can be made via the mobile app, and the nearest courier will receive it and will fulfill your order.
All in all, this on-demand food delivery app kills two birds with a single stone, i.e., it has a flexible working sphere, and fulfills all the orders very quickly and efficiently. Still not convinced? Let’s look at the top reasons for building an app like Postmates.
4 Reasons To Build An App Like Postmates
There are a few reasons as to why you should select Postmates as a base model for your food delivery app. To breakdown we have-
1. The entire process of delivery in Postmates is quite efficient and straightforward. It has an aesthetic design and some robust functionalities for its users
2. The technology used in building the Postmates app is quite advanced and user-friendly.
3. Another factor that should be considered is popularity. Postmates are quite popular in the global market, and if your food delivery app resembles Postmates, then it would be quite easy for you to attract new users.
4. Last but not least is the business model of Postmates. Through an efficient business model like that of Postmates, you can seamlessly earn more profits from your food delivery app development.
Now that you might have made your mind to invest in food delivery app development let’s quickly discuss its relevant features.
Key Features to Consider Before Starting the Development
Customer Version
1. Sign-up
The Sign-up/Registration process of your food delivery app should be as straightforward as possible. It should only ask for minimal relevant information from the users like their email ID, contact number, and a password.
2. Order Details
The customer should be able to view the complete details of his/her order. To enhance customer satisfaction, you can even attach pictures of certain food items in your mobile app.
3. Order Tracking
This robust feature enables customers to track their orders. They can even contact the delivery person via call or message using this fantastic feature.
4. Delivery Location
After confirming the order, the customers need to add a delivery location for accurate delivery. They can either add it manually or can even leverage the GPS for a certain point.
5. Payment Methods
Digital payment methods have become a must for every mobile app irrespective of its niche. So, while investing in food delivery app development, include digital payment options like that from PayPal, GooglePay, etc. You should also follow proper security standards to secure your user’s transactions.
6. Order History
Order history option provides your valuable customers the complete information about their previous orders. They can leverage this functionality to repeat their previously made requests.
7. Ratings and Feedbacks
Customer feedback is the most critical aspect of any business. Therefore, your mobile app should enable the users to rate and review the product and kind of service received by them. That will also enhance customer satisfaction and will let you know which areas need improvements.
8. Discount Coupons
Discount coupons top the list of the most vital things that attract customers. Using this robust feature, the customers can stay updated about the latest discounts offered by the restaurants.
Courier Version
The courier version includes only the essential features necessary for the efficient function of courier services.
1. Registration
Like Customer Version, the registration process for the courier version should also be as simple as possible. It should only intake the relevant information of the user.
2. Order Booking
After the customer has placed the order, the same should be seen by a courier service to fulfill that order.
3. Delivery Status
That is a vital aspect of an efficient delivery system. The courier service should know the exact status of the delivery, viz. Incomplete, in process, or delivered.
4. Order History
Besides customers, the courier service provider should also have the right to access past orders. With order history option, they can conveniently do that.
Restaurant Version
1. Admin Panel
A web-based admin panel that enables the restaurant owners to view and access all the vital aspects of the food delivery mobile app. That also includes the daily deals and promotions that the restaurant offers.
2. Edit Menu
The edit menu option enables the restaurant owners to change their menu whenever they want. That can be helpful for the food courts that introduce new dishes to their customers every weekend. Besides that, this fantastic feature also lets them change their food prices at any instant of time.
3. Order Booking
Through the order booking option, the restaurant can confirm the orders of the users. You can even add the functionality of showing an accurate time of preparing and delivering their order.
4. Payment Confirmation
When a customer makes the payment for his/her order, then it can be viewed and confirmed using this robust feature.
5. Push Notification
Push notification is an amazing functionality that enables the restaurant owners to send important updates and promotion deals to their valuable customers.
6. Review and Ratings
If any customer rates or reviews any of the food items of a particular food court, then that restaurant can view it using this functionality.
Those were some of the relevant features that you should consider before making an app like Postmates. Now, without wasting much time, let’s quickly jump to the central aspect – building an app like Postmates
Getting Started: How To Build your Delivery Startup The Right Way
Step 1: Analyze Your Target Market
The first and foremost aspect of creating an app like Postmates is to analyze your target market carefully. For instance, there are many age groups present in the global market, like teenagers, freshly graduates, middle-aged persons, and so on. They can also be segregated based on their localities, and/or occupation. So, try to identify the perfect target audience that may be interested in your food delivery app like Postmates. Identify their needs and wants and try to include them in your mobile app.
Step 2: Know Your Competitors
After carefully analyzing your target market, it’s now time to know your competitors. Try to get as much information about them as possible. Try to ask your target users which food delivery do they use and what is the reason for that. You can even look at the user-friendly features of your competitor’s app and can include them in your mobile app. To make your task easier, here we have listed the top food delivery apps trending in the global market.
1. Uber Eats
2. DoorDash
3. GrubHub
4. Seamless
5. goPuff
6. Instacart
7. Delivery.com
8. ChowNow
9. Munchery
10. Eat24
Step 3: Tie-up With The Right Strategy Partners
To make your food delivery app successful, you need to partner with the right restaurant in the city. Reach out to as many restaurants as you can, and ask them if they’re already involved in food delivery. If not, try to convince them by stating various benefits of home delivery. Remember, a comprehensive and active network of restaurants will give your app enough push to get traction and win over a significant share of the food delivery market. So, try to partner with local grocery stores and restaurants. If you’re planning to deliver organic stuff, then try to get involved with the farm owners. That way, you’ll surely build success for your mobile app.
Step 4: Identify The Technology And Team Required
To create an efficient food delivery app like Postmates, you need to have a specific team structure and technology in your hand. To name a few, we have-
1. Mobile App Developer
You need to have a mobile app developer proficient with all the coding skills required to make a useful mobile application. Now, here you can either go for an iOS developer, an Android developer, or a cross-platform app developer according to your needs.
2. QA Engineers
To efficiently check your mobile app, you need to have certified QA Engineers in your mobile app development team. These proficient testers will test your app in-and-out to make it perfect for your users.
3. Web Developer
To create a perfect admin dashboard and mobile app APIs, you need to have a front-end and back-end developers in your app development team.
4. Project Manager
The Project Manager is the much-needed person to manage all the people mentioned above efficiently. A PM very effectively manages and streamlines the mobile app workflow and builds a perfect app with a seamless experience for the users.
Step 5: Find A Perfect Mobile App Development Company
The next step in creating an app like Postmates is to find a perfect mobile app development company. Now, here you have two options; you can either go for a freelancer or can find an experienced app development company. Both of them have specific benefits and work according to their framed system.
However, choosing an experienced mobile app development company can be a little more beneficial than a freelancer. It perfectly knows all the challenges that would come in building your app and knows the solutions to all those problems too. Also, the right mobile app development company has all the certified person like developers, QA Engineers, and so on that are needed for perfect app development. To know more benefits of a mobile app development firm, you can click here.
Step 6: Look For Ways To Monetize Your Mobile App
The next big step in building an app like Postmates is to find ways of monetizing your mobile app. Monetization is the process of earning more money from your existing mobile app. Here are a few ideas-
1. Email Marketing Campaign
Email marketing works best if you want to engage with more number of customers. Through this powerful marketing campaign, you can lure and engage with more customers and can increase your revenues.
2. Advertising
Advertising is a sure-shot way of creating more opportunities to earn better profits. If you don’t include paid ads on your mobile app, then you might be missing out on that phenomenal opportunity. So, you should consider making your mobile app free, and should try to earn from paid advertising. That can include banner ads, notification ads, Full-screen ads, and so on.
3. Partnerships
You can find the right sponsor or can partner with a perfect brand to effectively monetize your food delivery app like Postmates. If you partner with an app of a similar customer base, then it can prove very beneficial in marketing your brand. The users of that app will be able to see your brand logo, and that will surely increase your user base.
4. Multiple Monetization Models
The best way to ensure that your mobile app generates enough revenue is to try and combine various monetization models. You can offer reward points to your users for watching different advertisement videos. Video ads convert at a higher rate than a regular, dull text ad.
Besides all these, there are various other monetization models available. Try to select the best according to your needs, and generate more money from your mobile app.
Step 7: Deployment
The last step of food delivery app development is to launch your app in the global market. However, certain things are to be kept in mind before starting your app. It includes prototyping, testing, marketing, and so on. You also need to identify the current market scenarios before launching your app in the global market.
How Much Does It Cost to Create a Delivery App Like Postmates?
Like any other on-demand apps, the cost for building a delivery app like Postmates depends upon several factors. To list down, we have
1. Development cost
2. UI/UX cost
3. Customization cost
4. Designing cost
5. Managerial cost
Though there is no fixed cost estimation associated with building a mobile app, however, if you want an accurate cost estimation, you can always contact us. Our experts will always assist you in solving all your problems.
Final Takeaway!
The world today has drastically digitized, and that digitization has made everyone a busy person. In such a scenario, food delivery apps have emerged as a robust tool for delivering favorite eatables to the user. They cater to all the needs of the user and promises to deliver their favorite food quickly at their doorstep. However, a common trend of digitalization is changing. And that’s why many of these food apps come and go. So, to launch your mobile app in such a dog-eat-dog scenario may sound a little tedious task, but by following all the points mentioned above, you can surely drive success for your mobile app. Remember, stay in trend and come up with a unique value proposition, and you are good to go!
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