Who knew that calling a car at your beck would be too easy. Who knew that your smartphone can tremendously change the way you are managing the daily tasks. The Uber model has been a great success and large adoption of the same model across the industry verticals increased its significance in other areas as well. The food delivery apps are in vogue now and now a major percentage of revenue, the restaurant earns goes from the mobile wallets and non-cash payment options, which is another advantage over the digitization. People used the laundry booking app for getting off the overhead of washing the clothes. Alongside, Maternity app development has also been a great success for the postnatal and antenatal with its wide range of features for making ease. The baby development app or babysitter app development is coming along the way and wooing the business owners as a lucrative business plan and customers as a feasible option to book nanny.
Why Baby Sitter app Development Became a Requirement?
You would be wondering, what is the need for a babysitter app when you can appoint a nanny permanently for your kid. The hitch arises when you need sudden assistance for your kid, or you plan a sudden trip, or when you need a night for yourself. For all these situations, a great babysitter app works amazing. It lets you find out a credible sitter around, check her rating and call her at your home. This way baby sitter app simplifies the tasks.
1- Features
A baby sitter app needs to be filled with a number of exciting features. The features vary from one app to another, but there are some basic features which not only ensures the appropriate fulfillment of the app goals but also engages users with the app:
2- Background Verification
It is imperative to comprehend the extendibility of your services with proper security checks on your part, so that your customers need not to be anticipated. So, you should integrate an ideal feature to your babysitter app where the profile verification would easily be done. Apparently, the security concerns intensify the need to ensure the clean and pristine profile of babysitter and that mitigates any kind of uncertainty in the mind of the user about the service provider.
3- Navigation
The usability of the babysitter app and maternity app development accomplishes once it satisfies the instantaneous need of the user. It becomes more useful once it makes user able to navigate the babysitter nearby to their place. You should feature your app with dedicated navigation like Google maps so that users would empower to find their nearest babysitter. It tremendously saves their time, enriches and bolsters up the entire progression of babysitter booking app.
4- Personality Matching
You must consider the voluntary selection of the babysitter as an integrated feature of your apps objectivity where the ultimate objective is to deliver proper care. So, here you can able or integrate features like personality matching where the users can select a specific profile based on their history for services, reviews, ratings, comments, etc extracts an effectual decision for the user either to use or not use their services.
5- Payment
In today’s digitized economy the significance of multiple payment methods would solidify more possibilities for babysitter app development company. So, basically, it is well presumed that you must integrate secured multiple payment gateways so that users can process their payment seamlessly. It comprehensively establishes the cherished and wondrous user experience while payment without any delay.
6- Connectivity
Consistent communication through a platform reassures the impeccable process to quench the users’ needs. You should integrate in-app message platform for users and babysitters, that keeps them communicated through frequent messaging and notifications in baby development app. It demystifies the much-needed route to hedge dedicated and ostentatious babysitting service for the users.
7- Notification
The notification comes as an effectual and ulterior aspect that induces for a further activity for both the users and babysitter. You should keep integrating efficacious features like push notifications to your babysitter app so that every immediate information can be notified. The user would be able to get intimated about their booking, confirmation, schedule, and offers, while babysitter would also receive notifications about the new updates and future appointments or bookings
Recommended Technologies used to Develop on-demand Baby Sitter App Development:
1- Social Media Integration
Let users log in through their social media accounts that make it easy for the users to log in and book their baby sitter. Some of the exclusive examples like maternity app development also show its significance tenaciously. Apparently, it also garners the need for secure and trusted logins through the users’ social media account.
2- Payment Integration
The payment modes of babysitting app may use various prominent and secured payment gateways for their entire process. Although there are numerous payments gateways like Lyft, Stripe, PayPal Card, etc that offers uninterrupted and secured payment, selection relies on the platform you use for your app.
3- GPS Technology
Both the user and babysitter need to locate their respective services with their current location. The global positioning system (GPS) magnifies the role in identifying the location, availability of babysitters, etc. It can be well integrated by iOs users through CoreLocation and MapKit framework while Android OS uses Google Maps Android API.
4- Messages & Notifications
Once users book their babysitter, it’s obvious to have every piece of information to the user as well as to the babysitter about booking and further updates. Apart from cloud communication providers like Sinch, Nexmo, Twilio, etc, it is integrated distinctly for Android and ioS platforms, where GCM(Google cloud messaging) is preferred for Android users while Apple push notification service for their iOS users.
How Matellio can Help in Developing the App?
The general mistake business owners make to comprehend the all Uber like model apps same in development terms. Every On demand app demands a different research and strategy. A baby sitter app is the requirement of parents which makes an extra emphasis over the security and credibility. Therefore, it needs an extra effort than a food delivery or laundry booking app. For such app you must find a good IT development partner or app development company like Matellio, which can follow the MVP model with your product. It is must to first assess the user’s requirement and bring him the modified version of the existing technology in his hand. If you approach an experienced mobile app developer, he can help you with the whole development and marketing lifecycle of the app.