Due to the rising health and fitness awareness, Habit and Mood tracker app like Tangerine are growing in popularity. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have realized the value of their mental and personal health, and they want to include healthy habits into their lifestyles.
But developing and maintaining good habits are both equally challenging tasks. For most people, sticking to a routine is difficult simply because life is unpredictable. Our mood to stick to our commitments fluctuates according to how our day is going.
On a good day, you might get around to reading ten pages of that book you’ve been keeping on your desk. On a bad day, you might not read as much as a sticky note.
Healthy habits, such as meditation, walking a certain number of steps in a day, and drinking enough water are way more crucial to our physical and mental health. But sometimes, it becomes difficult to stick to these healthy habits as well. And that is where habit and mood tracker apps like Tangerine come in.
What Are Habit And Mood Tracker Apps?
Habit and mood tracker app can be considered a subtype of smartphone applications’ health and fitness category. They help people create habits, like we create reminders on our phones, using various forms. Then, based on the type of habit you have created, like once every day or twice every week, these apps send you reminders at frequent intervals.
They track how many habits you finish in a day and, based on your trends, plot various graphs and charts. Seeing historical data and insights allows you to see how you’ve been doing, which habits you regularly stick to, and which ones you’re missing.
Habit and mood tracker app help people stick to their good habits to improve their lifestyles, and today, we will talk about how you can create a habit and mood tracker app like Tangerine of your own.
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What Makes Tangerine So Unique?
Tangerine has two major things to offer its users: mood tracking and habit tracking without a clunky interface.
The biggest reason why most people, including us, love Tangerine is its simplicity. The app is light, doesn’t put too much pressure on your phone, and never lags, which is a must for apps such as Tangerine. A heavy app that takes time to load will turn people away and won’t be much of a help to people.
Starting from onboarding, Tangerine makes it clear that it wants you to have a good time while using it and does everything it can to make your experience a smooth one. Simple swipeable screens, designed to perfection with a color palette that doesn’t strain users’ eyes, make Tangerine all the more enticing to its users. It also offers a dark mode which is an excellent addition for people who have sensitive eyes.
Tangerine doesn’t ask you to sign-up or buy its premium version anywhere in the beginning. You swipe through a couple of screens, and you will land on your main dashboard.
From the main dashboard, you can create new habits and see your mood on a particular day, denoted with an emoji, with the help of a scrollable calendar at the top of the screen. A list of all your habits is displayed to you on the dashboard, and if you complete one, you can swipe right, and it will be moved to the Complete section of the dashboard.
Tangerine also provides History and Insights features, but both of them are locked behind a paywall. You have to go premium if you want to track your commitment to a habit.
Top Tangerine Features That Users Love
In this section, we will talk about all the things people love about Tangerine. Keep a note of this list because if you are looking to develop a habit and mood tracker app like Tangerine, you will need most if not all of these features in your app too
Simple, Eye-soothing UI And A Buttery Smooth UX
While not exactly a feature, it is still the thing people love the most about Tangerine. It employs visual elements that don’t take up entire screens, relies on textual content very rarely, and uses a color palette that is not too harsh on the eyes.
Furthermore, the UX is as simple as it can be. With all the main features accessible right from the dashboard, Tangerine is incredibly intuitive to use.
Tangerine takes simplicity further by making the tedious task of filling various forms easier. Instead of getting users to type everything, Tangerine provides them boxes and sliders to answer form questions.

Habit Creator
Tangerine allows users to create habits right from the dashboard with a ‘plus’ icon at the bottom of the screen. Once you tap on it, you are led to the New habit page, which asks you to add all the details of the new habit.
You can decide when you want to start, how many times a day you want to commit to that habit, etc. You can also add a reminder for when you want to be reminded of that habit.

A Clean And Well-designed Dashboard
All the major features of the app are accessible from the dashboard. It is divided into four sections. At the top, you find a sliding calendar. Right under a date, you will find the option to add your mood for that day.
Under the calendar, you will find three slidable sections: To-Dos, Completed, Skipped. In the To-Dos section, you will find all the habits you have pending for that day. If you complete a habit, you can swipe right on it. It will immediately remove that habit from the To-Dos section and move it to the Completed section.
In the Completed section, you will find all the habits you have completed for that day. And in the Skipped section, you will find a list of all the habits that you missed.
Having an organized dashboard enhances a user’s experience and makes sure that they don’t get confused. Such dashboards immediately make you stand out and are a must-have for your apps like Tangerine.
Mood Tracker And Journaling
The mood tracker and journaling features allow you to record how your day was with the help of an easy-to-use form. At the bottom of every day in the scrollable calendar, you will find the mood option.
Tapping on it will lead you to the Track your mood section. Here, with the help of emojis, you can tell the app how your day was. It further asks you what made your day awesome or terrible and asks you to add some notes for it.
The best aspect of Tangerine’s mood tracker is how easy it is and how it invites people to share details about their days.
History And Insights
History and insights features are only available for premium users only. It may not be a good idea for you to put this entire section behind a paywall. A better approach for your app might be to give features for tracking habit and mood history and putting the rest behind a paywall. It invites more users and gives them just a taste of all the awesome things behind that paywall.
Habit Tracker
By tapping on a habit, you are led to an overview page of that habit where you can see details like Longest Streak, Current Streak, Mood Graph, etc. This section also allows users to edit the details of that habit.

How To Develop A Habit And Mood Tracker App Like Tangerine?
Mobile app development is a challenging undertaking that requires a lot of planning and money. While some startups have enough investors backing them to hire an in-house development team, that is not the case with all of them. So if you are tight on budget and time, then hiring a mobile app developer might be a better idea for your startup. However, if you don’t want to rely on outsourcing your app, you can create a small in-house team and then augment it by hiring developers, testers, designers, etc., from IT staff augmentation companies. They offer various hiring models that match every startup’s needs.
Regardless of which way you choose to go, the following steps to mobile app development will serve you well.
Step 1: Research and Planning
The first step in developing a mobile app is conducting research and coming up with a plan. For fitness app development, you first need to conduct a market analysis. You need to figure out which apps are excelling and what the state of the market is.
Learning who your competitors are and what they are doing with their apps is vital. When you are a newcomer in the market, you have to tear users from your competitors and bring them to your app. And for that, you need to know what users love about your competitors’ apps and what they are missing. Once you know what users wish your competitors had in their apps, you have a direction to go in.
Customer analysis and study are also crucial for your app development. In the end, your users will decide the fate of your app, and you must make sure that you are providing services that they find valuable.
Once you have all the data, it’s time to come up with a plan. The first thing you need is a hook— something your users will not find anywhere. Once you have your hook, you can build on that and try to come up with the basic structure of your app. You will also need to figure out your revenue model and find investors.
Finally, you need to decide whether you will hire an in-house development team or a mobile app developer. As we discussed, in-house development is a big commitment that requires a lot of investment. If you decide to hire a mobile app developer, you need to do some more research. There are many developers in the market, and you need to find the one that aligns with your budget and vision for the app.
Step 2: Design and Development
The most significant selling point for Tangerine is its straightforward and soothing UI. With the help of eye-pleasing colors and other visual elements that don’t overwhelm users, Tangerine can tear users away from its competitors. That is what you need to do with your app as well.
User experience is also vital. An app like Tangerine must give a fluid user experience, and none of the features must be hard to find. Getting insights and tracking habits and moods must be easy as well.
Depending on your budget, you can decide how complex you want your app to be or how many features you want to add in the beginning. Don’t think of app development as a one-time process only. Once you release the app’s initial version, you can make tweaks to the UI and introduce new features.
Work closely with your mobile app developer. According to your budget, you can choose to either develop a native app or a cross-platform app. Native apps are developed for all operating systems separately, whereas cross-platform apps have a single development cycle and run on all platforms. While cheaper and less time-consuming, cross-platform apps still can’t compete with the quality UI and UX that native apps provide.
Step 3: Testing and Deployment
After the development of an app comes testing. Depending on how big and complex your app is, the complexity and duration of the testing phase will fluctuate. A buggy app ruins your reputation permanently, and so thorough testing is required.
Often companies release their apps in beta and early access versions. They bring great insights since users are using these apps and telling you about the bugs and features that don’t quite stick to the landing. Betas and early access are great marketing tools and help you create buzz before the app is released.
Once the app’s final version has been deployed, you need to offer great customer service and release frequent patches for the bugs. Also, you need to update your app frequently to keep the users interested. The technology market is very fickle, and new and exciting mobile apps are released every month. And if you want to compete in this market, you will need to adopt new technologies and update your app as you go.
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Habit and mood tracker app like Tangerine are excellent tools for people looking to adopt new and healthy habits in their lives. They help them keep track of their days, figure out which habits they are having trouble staying committed to and how they can improve.
If you are looking for a development partner to help you develop an app like Tangerine, then Matellio has years of experience creating high-quality apps for all platforms with great UIs and UX. With the help of the Agile methodology, Matellio makes sure that your project stays on the set timeline and guarantees the quality of the end product. Our highly skilled project managers report to our clients continuously. With the help of a deep talent pool and state-of-the-art equipment, Matellio develops mobile apps that bring value to our customers.
If you are looking for a fitness app developer, contact us for a 30 min free consultation.
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