Coronavirus has not only threatened human existence, but has also forced the people to stay indoors leading to a more stressful and isolatory life. Loneliness, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak has led to a major problem of isolation that has made the lives of the common public more miserable. Ofcourse, the isolation and social distancing is very much needed to prevent the spread of the viral disease that has killed almost 18000 people worldwide! However, the stress due to isolation and social distancing cannot be ignored.
There must be something that could engage the people and solve their problems related to quarantine. And what could be better than an online health coaching app. According to The American Heart Association, adults engaged in at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity have a healthy life as compared to others. Hence, clearly people have enough time that they can do a lot of exercises and can stay healthy seamlessly. And while talking of an online health coaching app, FitMo still tops the list. It has beautiful and user-friendly interface and functionality that makes it one of the top apps in the field of healthcare and fitness.
What is FitMo App?
FitMo, a leading name in the field of health and fitness, is an online health coaching platform that aims to improve the health of people. It offers lifestyle coaching that is specifically tailored to meet the needs of an individual despite its location and age. It is also available for companies and for employers who want to improve the health of their employees or people associated with their businesses. It assures the companies and individuals to reduce the stress of and ensures they stay fit and less prone to any elevated health risk. That way, the number of engaged and enthusiastic employees increases in the organization.
FitMo does a simple thing; it connects the fitness coaches with the busy urban crowd seamlessly leveraging powerful technology. The users, because of its interactive interface, and affordable services, enjoy accessing the app. Moreover, the users also save a lot of money that would otherwise have gone on a physical personal trainer. With FitMo app, a person could seamlessly enjoy the perks of a fitness trainer and that too at a much affordable rate using online services. Still not convinced? Let’s look at some benefits that a user gets through online services of FitMo app.
1. Affordable Services
There is no surprise that a personal trainer service is much more expensive andis surely not a cup of tea for everybody. The sky-high prices of one-on-one gym sessions and the personal training sessions that usually start from $65-$90 and reach to almost $255 per does not look a feasible option to many. Here, the online health coaching app comes into play. The online fitness training services can help you reduce the cost by eliminating various fixed costs like gym membership, equipment costs, etc. the online expert training sessions can help you get the same beach body that you wanted last year without utilizing much of your money.
2. More Flexibility
Irrespective of any age group, more and more people today are looking for cost-effective fitness and healthcare services. And, we all know how busy personal trainers can be, especially during their peak seasons. But while having a jam-packed schedule is good for personal trainers, it’s not so fun if you’re a client. Luckily, online personal training is much more flexible. An online personal trainer means that you’re in charge. You can workout whenever you want and still get the support and motivation provided by a coach. Amazing, isn’t it?
3. Less Injuries
According to sources, there has been a 35% increase in gym injuries in the recent years. While a regular personal trainer can help you mitigate those injuries, there is still no guarantee that you might not get yourself injured during the self training sessions. And nobody would like to put unnecessary strains on the body as it is also not healthy and safe. Well, you could reduce those injuries due to self training sessions with the help of an online trainer. Meaning, you can seamlessly get advice over how to do an exercise anytime and anywhere using the fitness mobile application. That means less injuries and more fitness!
4. Expert Advice From Anywhere
As discussed in the point mentioned above, with online fitness apps, the users could seamlessly get assistance from anywhere around the world and at any time seamlessly. The affordable and transparent online sharing services has made it possible for the people to enjoy valuable services at the click of a button. Besides online assistance, the coaches can leverage the technology to provide their users audio cues that might help you during your workout.
5. Better Results
The chances are high that most of the people, on not finding the perfect and feasible personal trainer, download fitness apps. And because some people don’t like the idea of being trained by the app, they again go and search the real-time trainer. Enters online fitness trainers. With online fitness trainers, the users can get amazing healthcare and fitness services that too at a much lesser cost. Online personal training allows the trainer to gather data on your workouts and optimise your regime based on what suits you best. As a result, you get amazing results in less time and at less cost.
So, these were some of the benefits of using an online training app like FitMo. Seems you have made your mind now to invest in an online fitness app. But wait, FitMo isn’t the only app that is trending in the global market. There are more fitness apps like FitMo. Let’s have a look at some of them.
1. Nike Training Club
Nike training club is an interesting fitness app consisting of a very large library of curated workouts by celebrity trainers and athletes. Get training from famous people like Cristiano Ronaldo, Serena Williams, and Roger Federer. Moreover, you can seamlessly tailor the program to your specific workout level. Also, if you are just looking for a quick workout every once in a while, then this training app can accommodate it. Additionally, the app has the very user-friendly features that even allows you to play your own music.
Available For: iOS, and Android
2. Sworkit
If you are looking for short workout videos then Sworkit is the best app for you. With this robust app, you can seamlessly fit the workout in to match the rest of your schedule. The Sworkit app offers workouts videos ranging from 2 minutes to 30 minutes. Moreover, this amazing app also offers you some effective tools that helps you customize and build your own workout. You can set the time of a specific workout, and can focus more on your health. What else? They also offer the option to talk to a trainer.
Available For: Android and iOS
3. Noom
Noom offers a holistic approach to the health and fitness of a particular user. Besides providing efficient workout videos, the main aim of this fitness app is to reshape the unhealthy habits of the user. Moreover, Noom also offers quizzes on fitness and health related topics to give a better idea of your health and fitness level. Additionally, you can leverage expert solutions from doctors, nutritionists and even fitness coaches to solve your health related concerns.
Available For: Android and iOS
4. Jefit
Jefit is a perfect online fitness app for the ones who are searching for advanced training sessions and data backed training videos. You can track every bit of your training sessions and health related aspects. Moreover, the app also lets your create your fitness routines seamlessly. All in all, it is a perfect app for the gym-goers who are looking for a tracking app to track their physical health.
Available For: Android and iOS
How To Build An Online Health Coaching App?
We are at the last section of our blog, and probably towards our main question; how to build an online fitness app? Well, let’s be clear, we all are looking for ways to help people during these hard times and simultaneously for increasing our brand value. So, here we have mentioned some crucial points that a user has to take care of while developing an online health coaching app to help quarantine quarantine fitness freaks. Let’s get started!
1. Identify the Relevant Business Models
Usually the first step in developing a custom mobile application is to identify the target audience, but, since many of you might be developing this for helping the people stuck in their houses, that is not very essential. However, selecting a suitable business model that fully satisfies your goals and wants is very much essential. For instance, you might have many programs related to your fitness app in your mind like weight loss programs, bodybuilding programs, etc. but, you need to select any one or two programs that gives you both Increase Customer Lifetime Value and considerable revenue. You can also go for an up-front analysis or monthly assessment services as per you wish and business needs.
2. Define Goals and Responsibilities
The next crucial step is to define your business goals and responsibilities to the people engaged in your fitness business. Well, it might be possible that you are a solopreneur, or you might have a dedicated team who are engaged in your business. Whatever the condition may be, everyone including you need to understand the importance of the fitness app in solving the problems of the quarantined people. That being said, as an app owner, you have certain options for managing your business:
- Firstly and the most basic option is to run your business by yourself. Meaning, you will be incharge of everything from running the app smoothly to managing the marketing campaigns and the customer’s queries.
- Secondly, you can hire a dedicated team of fitness coaches to streamline your work and focus on other vital things.
- Last but not least, you can also partner with a part-time coach for those who need extra support in their physical training sessions.
Regardless of what you choose, you need to ensure that your app runs smoothly, i.e. in an appropriate manner.
3. Kick Off The Program Efficiently
The next crucial step is to kick off your fitness app efficiently with an upfront testing, meaning, you need to ensure that your fitness app really provides some kind of positive results to your users. Well, let;s make it more clear. Everybody needs an assurance on their investment, whether it be an investment of time, or of money. And, in your case, the users are investing both of them. So you need to be sure that your fitness program provides some sort of assurance to your users. For that, you need to run some tests to know the physical condition of your user. And for that, you have two options, either through a full body analysis, or through an advanced lab testing. Since, these are the hard times, you can seamlessly use an online body analyzing tools to know the physical condition of your app user.
4. Include Vital Features
That’s the most crucial stage of an online mobile app development. You need to include all the relevant features to make your fitness app valuable for your users. Here we have listed down some critical features of an on-demand health and fitness app.
For Admin
1. Dashboard
An intuitive dashboard that allows the admin to manage and control the entire application with one click.
2. User Management
The admin can manage the user’s session and make changes if users are not engaging seamlessly through this feature.
3. Subscription Plans
This powerful module enables the admin to manage the number of subscription plans, type of subscription plans
4. Trainer Management
The admin can add new trainers, remove the old ones, assign the trainers to the user leveraging this amazing feature.
5. Food Plans
The admin, besides managing the nutrition plans, can also access the food plans, add new ones, make changes in the existing ones.
6. Fitness Plans
The admin can manage different fitness plans from beginners to intermediate to the extreme one.
7. Feedbacks and Reviews
The admins can seamlessly track and manage the feedback and reviews provided by the users and can work on them to improve the services.
For Users
1. User Registration
Users can register seamlessly on your mobile app using their email ID, contact number or social media accounts via this powerful functionality.
2. Dashboard
A comprehensive dashboard that offers users a complete view of their health and other vital details.
3. Workout Plans
The users can find out what workout plans can work for them and can then select the best ones according to their fitness goals, and health statistics.
4. Instructors
The users can seamlessly browse the complete list of instructors registered on the app and select who demonstrates expertise.
5. Live Chat
An amazing and valuable feature that enables the instructors and trainees to communicate with fitness experts to seek advice.
6. Visual Workout
Videos and audio cues to help users visualize a workout and follow it better to improve their health.
7. Track Progress
The users can seamlessly track their health progress on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
For Trainers
1. Fitness Chart
The trainers and fitness coaches can prepare generalized fitness plans for the users, or make one on the basis of individual stats
2. BMI Calculator
The trainers can calculate the BMI(body mass index) of the users and can suggest them the next step.
3. Customized Nutrition Plan
The module lets the trainers prepare and share the nutrition according to the BMI, lifestyle of each user, and other vital aspects seamlessly.
4. Coupon Code
The trainer can provide coupon codes to its valuable customers to enhance the customer service of the app.
5. Calorie Counter
The trainers can get insights into the number of calories gained or lost as per the input of food and workout done for the users.
6. Water Intake
This module helps the fitness coaches to track the water intake of the user and also enables them to send timely reminders.
7. Diet Chart
The fitness coaches can build and share diet charts according to trainees weight, height and their weight agenda.
5. Select The Right Technology To Analyze Data
After identifying and including the critical functionalities of your mobile app, it’s now time to opt an appropriate technology to analyze your business data. From your web conference and marketing campaigns, to equipping your users with health tracking devices, you need to analyze your data to properly understand your customer’s needs. For that, we have multiple systems available in the market that can analyze the data, though they all vary in their functionalities and cost. However, you need to select a technological platform that best fits your users and business goals. You need to consider the user’s perspective while opting an online platform for analyzing the data.
6. Monetize Your Fitness App
Last, but not least, is to monetize your app. Clearly, the main goal of many of you might be to help the people during the quarantine times, but generating a substantial amount of revenue is also necessary to run your app smoothly. For that, you can choose different approaches:
- Showing ads of the third party on your app
- Special Screening
- Feature coverage on the homepage
Extra Tips For Fitness App Development
After considering and undertaking all the vital points for developing a feature-rich fitness mobile application, here are a few extra tips that may help you to rise a little higher.
1. Encourage your users to stay fit and keep getting training.
2. Show your expertise by providing the informative content to your users in the form of graphs, videos or even infographics.
3. Don’t force your users to work out. Instead, make your app fun for them by adding certain gamification tools and elements like leaderboards and quests.
4. Take care of the beginners and make the modules of your app user-friendly with video and images attached for every workout plan.
5. Lastly, create a community to let users communicate and support each other during any problems.
Putting It All Together
At last, we can say that these are hard times and one must help others in every possible way to reduce the stress and other significant issues arised due to the outbreak of coronavirus. Obviously, making a fitness app is not the only solution to solve that problem, but it is indeed a wise idea to help the fitness freaks trapped in the houses. Also, an app like this will ensure that none of the person, who was engaged with the gyms, and other physical fitness centres steps out of the house, as he/she will be getting enough support via this robust fitness app. Have more questions over how you can help people during the COVID-19 outbreak? Drop us your queries.
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