Cannabis made its debut in the American market long ago. And by the end of 2018, the Australian government also legalized the use of cannabis delivery for medical and healthcare purposes. However, a significant thing that nearly changed the whole scenario of the global market was cannabis delivery app! The on-demand cannabis delivery app can be traced back to the year 2014, and since its inception, it has been benefiting the on-demand economy and the healthcare market alike. How does a cannabis delivery app work, what are the vital aspects, how much does it cost, and much more. Our today’s article will provide you the answers to all your questions regarding on-demand cannabis delivery apps. So, let’s dive in!
Marijuana, or sometimes referred to as marihuana is a popular cannabis plant that is exceptionally used in the healthcare industry for the past few years. Although the use of cannabis is still illegal in some countries, the plans to legalize them are on their way. And you will be surprised to know that the legal cannabis market has already become a $14.9 billion market and is predicted to reach $42.7 billion by the year 2024.
Thus, it is evident that the market for cannabis is growing with time and has reached a point where it is benefiting not only the customers, but the marketers as well. How? With an on-demand cannabis delivery app!
The Present State of the Cannabis Market
To better understand the users of the cannabis market, let us try to quote all the possible reasons that contribute to the increased utilization of cannabis in the global market.
Source: Statista
The statistics mentioned above clearly shows that, apart from the fun aspect, cannabis is largely used to reduce the stress and anxiety disorders and to alleviate pain from the patients. Hence, it can be said that a large number of medical institutes and patients benefit from the cannabis market.
At present, the largest market for cannabis delivery apps is North America. There, the people are likely to consume cannabis for either treating their medical health, or for recreational purposes, which is sometimes called as risk takers. In fact, risk takers, and the conservative experimenters are the two major groups that utilizes the cannabis market. Let us quote the differences between the two to better understand them.
Risk Takers | Conservative Experimenter |
More likely to be between the age of 18-34 | Most likely to be between the age of 35-54 |
Consume cannabis multiple times in a week | Consume cannabis less than once in a month |
Mostly the students of a high-school or college | Mostly the university graduates or people engaged in some work |
Does not have the complete information about cannabis | Likely to have a large social presence with almost all the vital information about cannabis |
Takes health and safety risks very often | Takes limited amount of cannabis for their medical purposes |
So, we saw that the two major cannabis consuming groups differ significantly. Let us now see what impact does cannabis delivery apps are making on the global economy.
Here are some facts that may help you to better understand the impact of marijuana delivery on the global market:
- According to trusted sources, the total value of the cannabis market was around 10.3 billion US dollars in the year 2018.
- And it is predicted that the value will reach nearly 39.35 billion US dollars by the year 2024.
- Furthermore, another source reports that on an average, a medical marijuana user spends approx $136 on one purchase every 10 days.
- Seeing the amazing benefits of marijuana in the medical field, New Jersey has nearly doubled its number of physicians participating in the Medical Marijuana Program since 2018.
Hence, it is quite clear that the cannabis delivery market has already exploded on the global platform and will continue to gain momentum in the coming years. That’s why many marketers have invested in the profitable cannabis delivery business and have obtained some revolutionary profits. One such name that has benefitted from cannabis delivery is Eaze!
What is Eaze and how does it work?
Eaze is a very popular name that comes to mind when we talk about cannabis delivery apps. It is an online marketplace and technical platform that helps in getting legal access to cannabis through safe and convenient delivery. The main goal of this amazing cannabis delivery app is to educate people about cannabis use and to provide safe access of cannabis to the people in need. When you visit the Eaze website, you get an effective experience on the products and their information alongside the product. Besides that the site also provides some vital information over the safe consumption of cannabis for improved health conditions.
Eaze cannabis delivery app has made a huge impact on the overall on-demand market since its inception, and is continuing to do so. It has created some amazing opportunities for all the local cannabis retailers by helping them run compliant cannabis delivery throughout the global market safely and seamlessly. And maybe because of that reason, or any other, the giant on-demand delivery app claims to have 600,000 registered customers presently. Not only that, but the current value of Eaze is around $388 million and is soon expected to reach 34 billion by the year 2024.
Let’s look at the working of Eaze mobile app!
1. Receive Request
The first and foremost aspect of any delivery app is to receive the requests, and Eaze is no exception. The delivery of the cannabis initiates when any user makes the request for the product.
2. Confirm Request
After the request has been made, the process moves forward and the request is either confirmed or rejected by the admin. Also, if the request is accepted then either the payment has to be made, or the payment option is selected on the app while the request is made by the user.
3. Schedule Delivery
Once the request of the product is confirmed, the admin provides a tentative delivery date to the user via app notification.
4. Packaging
In the packaging process, the product is wrapped with brand covers to ensure the safety of the cannabis and to promote the brand as well.
5. Shipment of Product
After the packaging of the item is completed, it moves forward for shipping or what we know out-for-delivery.
6. Receive Item
As soon as the product is dispatched from the main store, it takes a few days depending on the location to reach the consumer. Once the product reaches the consumer, it is confirmed from their side.
7. Rate and Review
The final step is ratings and reviews. Meaning, the customers who have received the item will have the power to rate the product and provide their valuable suggestions over delivery and the quality of the item.
So, that’s how the popular cannabis delivery app Eaze works. Now, as evident from the facts mentioned above, the cannabis delivery market is gaining huge momentum from the global users. And witnessing such huge growth and opportunities, many other marketers have invested in cannabis delivery apps like Eaze. let’s have a look at some of them.
Top 4 Marijuana Delivery Apps
Here’s a list of all the top cannabis players that are playing big in the global market.
1. PotBot
PotBot is an exceptionally amazing medical marjiuana app that is most beneficial for the healthcare patients. It is a robust tool that can help the patients to know which strain is best for treating their health conditions. The robust app has got some smart functionalities that makes use of peer-reviewed research to recommend the best strains to the patients to treat their medical issues. Furthermore, this information-based app also provides personalized recommendations that perfectly fits each patient’s healthcare needs.
2. Leafly
Leafly is another big name in the cannabis delivery market. In fact, it is considered as the world’s best cannabis resource to learn about weed. The popular marijuana finder app enables the people to learn more about cannabis so that they could find the perfect cannabis for them. Furthermore, Leafly also enables the people to locate legal cannabis delivery markets near them and even helps them in locating best medical marijuana doctors. You can even find some great deals on the Leafly mobile app.
3. WeedMaps
If you are someone who is looking for the latest news and products over cannabis, then WeedMaps is a perfect app for you all. WeedMaps is a guide to cannabis that keeps the user updated about the latest cannabis news and industry updates. And like other cannabis delivery apps, WeedMaps also helps the user to discover some exceptionally good marijuana doctors and legal cannabis markets that are near their areas. Furthermore, the users can even read the community reviews to know more about the best stains, and top products to use for treating their medical problems.
4. Muncheez
Last but probably not the least is Muncheez that is again a marijuana, cannabis, and weed delivery app. It is a popular delivery app that allows users to choose from hundreds of trusted and legal cannabis delivery brands and dispensaries. The users need to sign-up to gain access to some of the best deals and other helpful features of the app. Furthermore, with just a few clicks, the user can locate fully compliant marijuana dispensaries nearby his/her location. The app also gives you power to rate and review the products.
What to consider when entering the Cannabis Delivery Market?
Now that you are convinced enough, it becomes important for us to let you know some crucial points that you should pay attention to while developing a cannabis delivery app. What are they? Read on to know more!
1. Legality
The first and the most crucial aspect that you need to consider is legal formalities. Now, you need to know that marijuana delivery is a sensitive matter in almost all the countries, and all of them have certain rules and regulations for that. So, try to understand all the legal formalities that you have to complete before launching your app in the global market. Also, stay in touch with all the compliances to make your app safe, secure and ready for the global users.
2. Custom Solution
The next big thing that you need to consider is type of development. Now, here you have two options, either go for a white-label solution, or for a custom solution. A white-label software, also called ready-made software, generally aims to simplify all the common problems of an organization. Meaning, it is often not designed to solve the particular problems of your organization.whereas, on the other hand, custom solutions are a perfect fit for your organization. For instance, you can include all the relevant features that could solve problems specific to your organization, and can even have a controlled view on the development process. That is why it is always advisable to go for a custom software development. Want to know more about the benefits of custom software development? Read our article to get detailed information.
3. Business Model
A perfect business model always helps you to gain more profit from your custom mobile app. That’s why it becomes of utmost importance to choose the perfect business model that fits best in your business strategy. Now, to make your work simplified, we have listed some best business models that you can leverage.
Delivery Specific
Under this approach, you can focus on your delivery model. Meaning, you can work around the delivery orders and the item shipped and can earn profit from those delivered items.
Single Store Startup
Under a single store startup, you can start your store and keep the delivery part under your forte. That way, you can earn from the delivered items and the delivery charges.
Aggregator Startup
Last but not least is aggregator startup. Under this approach, you can work like a marketplace owner that provides a platform for different stores to connect with the right customers seamlessly. In short, your role would be to manage the platform and make it more accessible for your users. Also, you can earn profits directly from the store owners instead of the customers. Read our blog to know more about how to build a peer-to-peer marketplace website.
4. Licensing
Licensing is the next crucial aspect that you need to take care of while investing in a custom cannabis delivery app. You need to acquire all the valid licenses by the concerned administrative bodies before beginning the cannabis delivery app development.
5. Development Team
Hiring the perfect development team is again a vital part of the development process. If you do not have even a single crucial aspect of the development team, you will fail miserably in the development process. So, have a dedicated development team ready before you begin the development process. Now, ehre you have two options; either go for in-house development, or outsource expert developers from an experienced software engineering firm. Although both the options have their specific perks, outsourcing expert developers is always considered the best option. And the reason behind that is pretty simple! An experienced software engineering firm will have all the solutions of the problems that one may face during the development of the cannabis mobile app. Furthermore, the expert developers there could help you make your app a nhit in the global market by providing you some out-of-the-box ideas. Know more about the benefits of outsourcing mobile app developers by clicking here.
Must-Have Features in Your Custom Cannabis Delivery App
Features always play a vital role whether you are developing a software solution or a mobile application. And even if you have some great mobile app concept but your features are not user-friendly, then your app will fail miserably in the global market. So, to save you from that condition, and to enhance your mobile app, here’s a list of all the crucial features that you can include in your cannabis delivery app.
We have segregated the features into three categories, viz., Admin, User, and Store Manager panel.
1. Customer Panel
User Registration
Enable your customers to register on your cannabis delivery app using their minimal information like email id, username, and a unique and strong password. Also, allow them to update their profile in the later stage.
Smart Search
Alongside browsing the products, allow your users to search the relevant products by leveraging the smart search functionality and filter and sorting options.
Digital Payment
Allowing digital payment options to your customers has become a must-have thing in recent times. So, provide your users with multiple digital payment options like credit card, debit card, PayPal, etc.
Order Tracking
Enable you users to track their orders efficiently and allow them to access every little detail of their product like day of order, total price to be paid, expected delivery date, etc.
Schedule Delivery
Give your customer the power to schedule their product delivery as per their convenience to increase the customer satisfaction.
Ratings and Feedbacks
Lastly, allow your customer to rate your products and consider their reviews to improve your services.
2. Store Manager Panel
Profile Creation
The storer managers can seamlessly create their profiles and can update relevant information like store details, their personal details, products they deal in, and so on.
Delivery Person Contact
Apart from mentioning the personal and store details, they should also have the capability to mention the delivery person’s details so as to make the delivery process smooth.
Inventory Status
Using this robust feature, the store manager can know the exact status of the inventories, so as to eliminate the stock-out conditions.
Help and Support
In case there is any query on products delivered and services, then the store manager should have the facility to contact the admin for seamless solution of the issue.
3. Driver Panel
The driver can create his/her profile that includes relevant information like their personal details, details of their company, contact information, and so on.
GPS Tracking
To get an accurate location of the delivery, you should provide GPS tracking functionality in the driver panel of your cannabis delivery mobile app.
Status of Delivery
Once the orders are received by the customers, the drivers can confirm the delivery to avoid future misconceptions and problems.
Mode of Payment
Lastly, the drivers could seamlessly know the mode of payment, so that there is no confusion or chances of no payments.
4. Admin Panel
A centralized dashboard to get all the vital information about the app and crucial statistics of the mobile app seamlessly to the admin.
Manage Customer
The admins can manage every little detail of the customer seamlessly using managed customer features.
Manage Orders
Similar to the customers, the app also allows the admins to manage all the vital information related to a product either delivered or to be delivered.
Manage Listings
All the products that a particular store showcases on the mobile app can be managed effectively using manage listings feature of the mobile app.
Feedback and Reports
All the vital reports and customer’s feedbacks can be accessed via this robust feature of the cannabis mobile app.
How much does it cost to develop a custom cannabis delivery app?
So, we are at the most awaited section of our article, the cost of building a custom cannabis delivery app. So, like all the other on-demand apps, the cost of developing a feature-rich cannabis delivery app also depends on some crucial features. To name a few, we have:
1. Managerial Cost
For smooth development of the cannabis mobile app, you need to have an experienced project manager that can take care of the development team and the project alike.
2. Development Cost
Developing the mobile app also adds to the total cost of cannabis mobile app. Also, the type of platform you select, viz., Android, iOS, or cross-platform also impacts the total development cost.
3. Testing Cost
The mode of testing and the resources involved affects the overall cost significantly. Nowadays, automated testing is trending a lot on the global platform. It gives you accurate errors in your app, and also helps you to resolve all those errors efficiently. So try to opt automated testing. To know more about it, click here.
4. Customization Cost
If you have opted for any customizations for the app, then those charges will also contribute to the total cost. Although small customizations are not often charged by the companies, big changes can significantly increase the total cost while enhancing the capabilities of the mobile app.
5. UI/UX Cost
Last but not least is the UX/UI cost. It is equally important as they make your app user-friendly and more interactive for your users. And we all know that a happy user means more business.
Apart from all the factors mentioned above, there are some more crucial factors that affect the total cost of developing a custom cannabis delivery app. To get an estimate of your project development you can reach us anytime you want. Our expert will always serve you in the best possible way.
To conclude, we can say that the world is changing at a much faster rate and so are the global needs. What was once considered as the source of intoxication has now become a leading source to cure anxiety problems. So, in such a scenario, leveraging the opportunity and developing a mobile app is the only way to earn more profits and to help the people in need. Hence, we have listed some crucial aspects that could help you to develop an error-free cannabis delivery mobile app. Still, if you have any questions or ideas, or wanted to know more, then feel free to contact us. Visit www.matellio.com
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