High productivity and significant revenue generation are the two crucial things any industry desires. Any statement inclusive of the words productivity and good profit is incomplete without the mention of DevOps. The market is buzzing with the word- DevOps, the new concept that can revolutionize the IT sector. Despite the glamorous reputation this concept has gained, various industries are still not clear about the correct sequence of DevOps implementation to enhance their software and application development.
DevOps has been designed to bring together the team of developers and operations in a single equation that turns the different teams of a business into a single operating unit. These unique set of practices deliver enhanced communication, a collaboration between various teams across a business, etc. DevOps have been debated over the years about its performance in the IT sector. Over the years, statistics displayed a coherent growth that boosted its popularity. It has been known for its ability to enhance performance and simplified Its management with the extra benefit of cost-saving.
What is DevOps?
DevOps is a set of practices that have improved the cross-function of various teams in an industry that is responsible for the complete lifecycle of a software product. These teams include development, operations, and testing. A stable operating environment is created when different teams collaborate within an organization. It makes various operations smoother and enhances performance in terms of reducing human errors, marketing, version control, and optimizing invested capital.
While implementing DevOps, you should be clear about your goals to be achieved and explore all the current business procedures and delivery pipelines. There are two types of deployment strategies in this context that are greenfield and brownfield deployment. You need to be clear about which deployment to use. The brownfield deployment offers less downtime, but it is often harder to implement as it relies on parallel deployment methodologies. You can imagine it like repairing an assembly line while it is still in action. Whereas in the case of Greenfield deployments, the process of deployment is easy, and it is built from scratch. As the services are equipped with the help of new deployment methodologies hence, it is prone to downtime.
Whichever model you choose to implement, always perform a trial run on any of your services that needs improvement. The trial run will give you a clear picture and help you in deciding whether to proceed or not.
Why Invest in DevOps?
Well, now you know the basic definition of DevOps. But ahy are companies hiring DevOps engineers for their projects? As per a trusted source, DevOps engineers are the second most demand resources for 2023. That’s because, DevOps strategies act as an approach to manage the relationship between the development department and the operations department of an industry. DevOps implementation makes the process ergonomics and work towards enhanced inter-departmental collaboration. Hence, when you hire DevOps engineers, missing deadlines or any operational failure becomes a thing of the past.
If the DevOps implementation strategies are followed correctly, it has been seen that various organizations have cut their time of development and release of the product from months to days, and in some cases, it has shrunk to a few hours. Every industrial sector is tempted by this streamlined process and fast speed, and it is not limited to only the release of the project; whether it is a launch of a new product or getting a bug fixed instantly, it can be quickly done within a strict timeline.
As per Statista, DevOps adoption by various organizations is increasing at the rate of 15% per year. It has also been seen in a survey that its implementation enhances the productivity rate of an employee by 73% and at the same time decreases the timeline between development and release of any software development by 70%.
It would be best if you did not wait to get that trail of implementation started as you are not the only one that knows about this; there are millions of other organizations operating in the same domain. It’s better to implement sooner than to be left behind the curve. It will not only save you a ton of time and money, but enhanced inter-team relations is an added benefit.
Benefits of DevOps Implementation
Now that you know about DevOps and why you should invest in it, there are numerous benefits of DevOps implementation that come along with the package. Improved timeline and optimized costs are just the tip of the iceberg; here are some of the benefits that DevOps offers to your business.
Improved Coordination: Implementation of such practices with the correct methodology will reduce the amount of needless manual tasks. Further it will improve the productivity of the employees. With fewer unnecessary tasks, your team will be in a better coordination which ultimately results in enhanced performance.
Enhanced Operational Efficiency: The deployment of correct practices will enhance the efficiency of the employees by a large percentage which ultimately results in optimized costs and automation of the process. The cordial coordination between different teams will reduce the processing time.
Higher Revenue: When the operational strategies of an organization are optimized, it has been seen that such organizations are prone to frequent release of software which translates to enhanced revenue generation. Along with an optimized operation process, several other processes are streamlined, such as improved KPIs, lower expenses, and stability.
Optimum Customer Satisfaction: Any customer or client loves a fast delivery of his product regardless of the industry type. On the bright side, if the delivered product comes with reliability and issues-free, it adds a cherry on top. With the DevOps implementation, you can deliver your clients a bug-free software with enhanced reliability in a competitive time frame.
Deliver Innovations: The DevOps implementation plan only complies with the latest cutting-edge technologies; the software delivery cycle is packed with innovations. Your products will reflect these innovations with their functionalities.
Reduce Failure: DevOps strategies are packed with features, one of which is promoting frequent code versions that are efficiently designed to identify the facts in the software development code. It also helps in reducing downtime and eliminating any unwanted manual tasks.
Enhanced Team Communication: One of the featured benefits of such practices is the enhanced team collaboration, which not only enhances productivity but also creates a friendly and positive environment within the organization that results in enhanced quality of the software and productivity of the teams.
Correct Anticipations from DevOps Implementation
Enhanced Performance with Fewer Inaccuracies
In a typical working scenario of any organization involves the independent working of a software development team on specific assigned tasks. However, these individuals work without any feedbacks as it is provided to them at the submission of the assigned tasks. In the case of DevOps adoption, these individuals receive frequent feedback about every task, which provides the scope of correction instantly instead of solving problems in bulk. This strategy saves time and effort. Every department is aligned with different other departments related to the production of a product which reduces errors and cross-checking of the finished software for possible inaccuracies.
Improved Inter-department Relations
If you ask any DevOps developer, they will explain about the efficiency it delivers in terms of building inter-team relations that ultimately results in a positive work environment. This set of practices enhance the smooth alignment between various links of the team, such as developers, engineers, system administrators, and project managers. It delivers an open channel of communication between the DevOps team for fluent communications. This channel helps in speeding up the feedback loop that results in a short time product release. Apart from these functionalities, it enhances the understanding among the team for better results.
Higher Testing Automation
Successful implementation of the DevOps strategies assists in the creation of a seamless feedback loop that generates concrete results. However, these feedback loops are created by implementing coherent testing. To enhance the quality of the automated testing, your DevOps development teams can take the help of several tools such as Testsigma, IBM’s Rational Function Tester, Selenium, etc.
Optimized Costs
After the DevOps implementation plan starts working in its total capacity in an organization, reduced cost figures in terms of production and operation are noticed frequently. The reduced cost is no surprise as it is the result of effective team collaborations and dedication. Since various teams collaborate and work towards the maintenance and upgradation of a product as a single department, it reduces the errors and time-consuming tasks that ultimately reduce costs.
DevOps Implementation Plan
Now that you know what to expect from DevOps and why it is used, the next step is its implementation. There are various implementation Plans and practices are available in the market. Here is the strategic DevOps implementation Plan.
Assign a Centralized Unit for DevOps
DevOps is comprised of several tools such as Splunk and Jenkins; hence, it requires a centralized unit for the development of operating techniques and various related tools. However, these identical units are responsible for enhancing the speed of the production team of any organization. It is not limited to the creation of various tools, but involved teams are also required to share the relevant tools that can be beneficial for the company.
Shift Early with CI/CD
Any software can be made error-free if the detection of bugs is done at an early stage. Not only will it enhance the quality of the product but also save a significant amount of time. This can be achieved by shifting the errors to the left that means shifting the errors at an early stage of the software development cycle. The team involved in the implementation of such practices regularly follows these updates. The CI/CD approach can assist in delivering flawlessly engineered software on a regular basis.
Detection of errors at an early stage provides the scope for an early solution that later enhances the quality of the product. Apart from a perspective shift, implementing this method will ensure everyone’s stakes in the seamless delivery of the project.
Implementing Test Automation
Implementation of automation ensures the repetition of the same task over and over again. The DevOps developers can focus their time and energy towards the development of the software by coming up with innovative ways and decreasing bugs and errors. Since it enhances the production speed and various industries have implemented it, it is often known as a common practice. Automation of the process enables the developers to run more tests to improve the quality of the product by enhancing the testing frequencies. This method of operation promotes an early solution to bug fixing and overall quality improvement.
Implement Coherent Deployment
Various deployment sub-processes include processes such as code creation, testing, versioning, deployment, and post-deployment. After a code clears various QA tests, it is then deployed in the production bay. Implementing continuous deployment means the code is released in various versions instead of releasing it all at once. Various organizations use different tools that are available for the same purposes. Their range starts right from the classification process to the final stage of development. The main motive behind the deployment of such tools is that they require extremely little physical monitoring.
All Teams are Informed
Apart from the essential individuals related to the development of software, it keeps all the stakeholders involved in the process. Since the core values of DevOps consist of bringing all the teams on the same page, it also promotes trust-building. It provides a level of transparency in an organization and avoids various doubts about the production process. Since there are various myths about the DevOps implementation, everyone is aware of its benefits, but some have confusion about its working. Implementing this coordination strategy helps every team member on a different level.
Enhances Patience
It is a well-known fact that every single individual works at their own pace and ability. Hence, keeping up with another individual’s speed is essential in terms of software development that requires dedicated coordination. To solve these problems, an organization must organize a team session about various tools involved in DevOps. It is possible that every person in the team has a different perception of it. Hence, they will have too many questions. These questions should be answered with accurate facts so that the team understands the importance of its implementation and act accordingly.
Automating Dashboards
Automating the dashboards is beneficial for DevOps developers as it delivers data with various detailed reports that are about different operations in the organization. These reports include factors like success and failure rates, number of tests carried out, time of the tests, etc. Hence, implementing intuitive dashboards will enable the developer to analyze these factors on their own and act accordingly. Apart from these updates, these automated dashboards provide data about various other deployments within the operation process.
Monitor Performance
After implementing every tool and best practice over the organization, the only thing left is continuous monitoring. The job of an organization or its team is not finished after delivering the project. The quality of the performance of any app after delivery determines the success or failure of the team involved in the development. However, the performance of the app does not depend on its deployment on the local data center or the cloud. The development team can ensure continuous fabulous performance delivery of the software by monitoring its functions and optimizing wherever needed.
Wrapping Up
For a company to proceed in terms of revenue generation and client retention, it is necessary to discover the potential within its teams. The networking between every employee should be extraordinary. As a company is made of various departments, and all are interlinked to each other in some ways; hence, all have a stake in any failure or success of the organization. However, it has been seen that whenever the development part of the company works in close coordination with the operation team department, the functioning of the organization improves drastically.
Matellio can help in DevOps implementation that will enhance your overall performance. Our proficient DevOps developers know every in and out of this genre. With their vast experiences and knowledge about DevOps, they have achieved significant results. For more information, connect to us.