The process of continuously running the cycle of development and running tests until the final software is built is known as the Agile Methodology which is mostly followed by the Agile software development company.
According to a survey conducted by Target Process, around 23% of the respondents use an Agile software development company while
- Predictive contributes to around 47%
- Hybrid stands at about 23%
- Other approaches constitute a roughly 7%
The process of Agile methodology
- The first step is scrum which is majorly team based
- The second step is crystal methodologies where the user uses, reviews, and raises feedback for the software development company
- After this comes the Dynamic Software Development Method or the famous DSDM
- Feature driven development follows, which is also known as the FDD
- The next step is Lean Software Development or LSD
- The end of the methodology is with Extreme programming
Here are ten benefits of hiring an agile software development company
- Identification of the error: The error is detected at the earliest or the first stage of the error in such a way that development can be done and further tests can be run for further detection of run time errors if any. The software development company initiates this.
- Communication takes place: The Agile development company includes its clients in every step. It offers communication opportunities. One can convey any message anytime. It is possible before, during and after every step. This creates a strong collaboration between the two parties. The client, as well as the company, enjoys a good time together. In this way, the client gets happily satisfied. It is because he gets chances to express his perception.
- Continuity takes place: The Agile software development company delivers the product very early. They follow the principle of regularity. They constantly improve themselves. This helps them to sustain in the market. As a result, they experience increased sales. They earn a good amount of revenue from your customers. They deliver new features on a regular basis.
- Mistakes get improved: Agile Development Company believes in the division of work. They divide the work into smaller ones. This helps them to manage things beautifully. They can easily manage things and people. They can focus on high-quality development. They produce frequent items. So, it becomes easy for them to test and review each element. As a result, necessary steps are taken and the improvement goes on.
- Budget gets prepared and followed: The software development company makes its budget and it sticks to it always. It keeps its full record of expenditures. It estimates everything in advance. It predicts the cost. And it makes sure to reduce it as much as possible. All the activities are pre-planned. Their team knows everything very well. When they plan a fixed time schedule, they end up following it. It reduces their cost, energy and time. They become more effective and effective.
- Changes are accepted: Gone are the days when everything is explained to the owners. It was a time when everything was quite different. One had to explain everything about the changes. But now, things are different. The Agile software development company does not do this. They don’t only accept changes but also expect it. As a result, they take corrective actions for the errors that have occurred through a set of valued feedbacks and reviews
- Clients are taken care of: They create their own vocabulary. They use their own terminologies to express everything to their developers. It helps them to identify opportunities and challenges in the business environment. They can find their strengths and weaknesses. The changing environment fails to trouble them. They are always prepared. They are in constant touch with their clients and customers. They make sure to develop what their clients exactly want. They deliver working software constantly. They always succeed in winning clients’ trust through the solutions they provide.
- Risk can be handled: They constantly release their products. So, all the mistakes can be detected. And all the problems can be fixed as soon as possible. The Agile software development company is very transparent. Everything is quite clear and visible to clients and customers. Their stakeholders can take crucial decisions. It is because unnecessary decisions are delegated to other people who are like garbage or trash.
- Transparency is maintained: The client knows everything about the company. They cannot say that they don’t know anything. It is because the agile development company expresses everything clearly. They properly communicate with their clients. The proper progress report of the project is sent to them. They can suggest anything if they wish to do so. Their clients constantly check the status of the project. They come across every single detail at every stage. They do a regular meeting with the company. The Agile software development company gains credibility in the long run.
- They are disciplined: They properly fix their schedule. They insert advanced features. They take care of their business value. They know what exactly their client wants. They establish the priority of their business. They prioritize each and everything. They do the most crucial things first. Then they do the most important things. This is how they satisfy their customers. They make sure that the real beneficiary of the software project does get benefitted from the software that has been developed.
If you want to take help from any software development company, you should take aid from an Agile company as they believe in providing the best solutions for software and their testing. It is obvious that services are well built for robustness and durability.
The methodologies involved also are very dynamic and develop the best software given the fact of its errors and other related factors. Though other organizations use a mixture of hybrid and predictive, it is agile which is not fragile and provides a strong and long-lasting software for the organization.