How to Develop AI-based Insurance Solutions?

Updated on Sep 23rd, 2024


The advent and rapid growth of digital transformation have led to customers seeking faster and more efficient services than ever.  

Consumers today have high expectations for the quality of benefits they receive from the time they purchase insurance until the claim is resolved. 

The insurance industry has stepped up its technology endeavors in response to these shifting trends. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of those exciting new technologies with a bright future in improving customer experience.  

Due to their ability to provide on-demand insurance, more transparent pricing, and speedier claim payments while also requiring fewer resources, the scenario is quickly changing. Globally, the changing dynamics present enormous possibilities for AI-based insurance solutions.  

But how will AI-based insurance software help your insurance business? In this blog, we’ll discuss AI-based insurance solutions, some of their key benefits & features, and how to construct an AI solution for the insurance sector.  

Firstly, let’s discuss, 

  • According to the research, the global AI in the insurance market gained $2.74 billion in 2021 and is projected to attain $45.74 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 32.5% from 2022 to 2031. (Source)
  • Businesses can use risk analysis function to regularly analyze their profitability while keeping an eye on trends. It also facilitates calculations for both earned and unearned income.  
  • Benefits of partnering with Matellio for AI based insurance solution development:  
    • Offers free competitive research  
    • 24*7 technical assistance 
    • No-obligation Quote  
    • 20+ years of experience 
    • Agile development methodology 
  • Making the switch to AI is a key step toward maintaining competitiveness and steady growth.

Why are AI Solutions Highly Needed in the Insurance Industry?  

The insurance industry’s demand to develop and change to remain competitive in the marketplace is particularly severe. This industry relies on routine tasks that entail analyzing vast amounts of data. For this sector to run smoothly, a complex data analysis must be performed on a wide scale daily. Being a booming industry, it necessitates equally sophisticated solutions.  

The insurance industry will gradually digitalize its services thanks to artificial intelligence. The insurance industry, compared to other industries, continues to rely largely on paperwork and in-person meetings. That is a challenge for customers who, while traveling abroad, require fast insurance or claim payment. This problem is resolved by AI insurance systems, which allow for secure remote verification and reimbursements for both sides. Also, by implementing AI development services, human engagement in the sector could be decreased.  

Top Benefits of AI-based Insurance Solutions for Businesses 

AI-based insurance solutions are advantageous, making them an attractive opportunity to leverage and use.  

According to statistics, 84% of investors think artificial intelligence would transform the insurance industry. (Source) 

The advantages of AI insurance services have been demonstrated in many successful cases. They also aid with customer service and fraud prevention.  

Let’s check some of the most significant advantages of adopting AI insurance services for insurance firms.  


1. Authenticity 

By utilizing distributed ledger technology and customized deep learning models, AI insurance services are assisting in addressing the growing impact of deep fake videos, altered images, and altered sounds on insurance claims. Smart AI solutions could be very helpful in expediting legitimate claims and rejecting fraudulent ones.  

2. Easy Customer Segmentation 

Traditional segmentation techniques are limited to a small number of factors and do not allow for a wider variety. This procedure typically takes time because it is challenging to assess every customer personally and comprehend their interests.  

With AI insurance services, there is a greater opportunity to provide customers with relevant offers. Contrary to conventional methods, AI-powered segmentation takes a variety of criteria into account. Based on customer personas, customer life cycle stages, behavior and habits, purchase histories, demographics, and content engagement, the system divides the users into groups. 

3. Claims Management 

With AI-based insurance solutions, companies can automate the entire process, from data collection to effective communication, settlement preparation to authorization and approval, payment monitoring to loss and recovery tracking. Claim processing is sped up and made more effective by the bots’ ability to analyze claims, confirm policy information, look for fraud, and handle payments.  

4. The Easy Churn Rate Analysis 

For any company, customer retention is crucial, yet customer churn is always a risk element that reflects the company’s loss. Understanding the customer is vital to serve them better and cater to their interests. This procedure takes a while, and by the time the pattern is identified, it’s too late. 

With the aid of AI-based insurance solutions, the system may examine the client profile and identify any patterns that specialists can examine to develop plans to completely remove the possibility of losing a customer.  

5. Easy Cross/Up-Selling  

Insurance agents can use insurance AI solutions to get an in-depth understanding of consumers’ profiles, hobbies, buying patterns, and other data. The agent can utilize this information to engage clients in their context and tailor policy recommendations to their needs, allowing insurance companies to take advantage of the opportunity.  

6. Enhancing Customer Experience 

Customers require an insurance plan that is extremely transparent, simple to understand, and quick to obtain. Insurance companies are increasingly using AI-based insurance solutions that replace human input with functions like automated product recommendations and chatbot inquiry resolution to help them accomplish this goal. Additionally, insurers are better equipped to use the cognitive ML method to pinpoint medical records, data from operations, and hospital stays to determine the payout. In addition, these technological solutions are focused on making the claims process more convenient for customers and less expensive for insurers to process claims. 

7. Automated Underwriting Activities  

Automation of insurance underwriting can reduce the time needed to gather information and enter it into the various fields on the underwriting forms. These fields will fill themselves out. AI insurance services can also provide reports based on the information gathered and advise on previous client losses or claims. It will reduce the amount of time needed to finish the underwriting procedure.  

As you’ve seen, the benefits of AI in the insurance industry! Now, let’s move forward and discuss,  

Key Features of AI-based Insurance Solutions  

Key features that you also can include in your custom AI-based insurance solution are:  

a. Claim Management

With the aid of this feature, you may track all important claim activity dates as well as claim payments, unresolved claim reserves, payment sections, deductibles, hazards, and event codes. It gives the claim manager the in-depth information they need to shrewdly handle and keep an eye on claim activity.  

b. Third-party Integration

The AI-based insurance solution with this functionality can be coupled with other software that you use in your business to give a more seamless workflow.  

c. Manage Leads

Lead management is among the most useful components of the AI-based insurance solution. You may manage leads through your pipeline using this tool, which includes lead identification, rating, action, and sales conversions.  

d. Risk Analysis

The ability to assess and quantify risk factors connected to insurance, such as unit insured, amount insured, system risk, reinsurance surrender, etc., is provided by this functionality.  

e. Task Management

You may use this functionality to create tasks, assign due dates, categorize them based on importance, and issue reminders for the relevant team members. Each team member has access to a daily view of their duties, and you can monitor task fulfillment in real time.  

f. Manage Documents

With the help of document management tools, you can upload, save, and share documents in one place, facilitating team collaboration and information access. 

Moving ahead, let’s discuss the main component of this blog! 

How to Develop AI-based Insurance Solutions? 

Follow the below-mentioned steps to build an efficient AI-based insurance solution for your business! 

1. Define Your Goals 

The most important set of rules for developing AI-based insurance solutions is to take some time to specify the specific issues or obstacles that you want AI to address in your business. Your chances of success in creating AI software will increase the more explicit you are about it. The strongest use cases for developing AI software revolve around measurable objectives that benefit the firm and the platform’s intended customers.  

2. Do Market Research 

A thorough market analysis will enable you to look for possible users, products that may already exist and be similar to yours, competitive products’ USPs, etc. By thoroughly researching the market, you may not only determine how mature your product is but also create a unique business plan that will set you apart from the competition. Make sure you include your team in all discussions at this point to account for critical comments. 

3. Consider MVP Development 

A compelling Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will make users demand your product right away. And if that isn’t already the case, you know what your objective should be. Although MVPs are not completely functional products, you can show them to the first few prospects as concepts to see if they are interested in your idea. During this phase, you’ll also be able to gather crucial data regarding the actual usage of your products or solutions.  

4. Build a Team 

The step that can indeed make or break your product will always be building a team of professional individuals. You need to trust the right individuals with your plan if you want it to succeed. Build your product with the help of experienced developers, and watch how the proper skills will withstand difficulties. Hire AI developers with the abilities you need by identifying the many skills you might need.  

5. Start Development 

The task after the design stage is evenly divided into numerous units and modules after the design documentation for the software that has to be built is received. The beginning of actual coding happens at this point. The phase’s primary goal is for the developers to create flawless codes. The lengthiest stage of the process is this particular one.  

6. Test Your Software 

Testing is important in the development process of AI software. AI-driven software testing, a true advancement in the field of software testing, entails generating test cases, building test scripts, and updating the test case and script. Software testing accuracy is increased via AI-driven testing. It also significantly exceeds the constraints of manual testing, boosts total test coverage, and assures a quicker time to market for the software under test.  



Across industries, AI adoption is becoming more prevalent. Insurance companies must step up and reinvent their operations with cutting-edge AI-based insurance solutions as clients embrace digital technology more quickly.  

Connect with professionals providing competent AI development services like Matellio, who can assist you in planning and implementing AI throughout your departments and company operations. 

Utilizing Al, Matellio builds custom insurance software that assist insurers in providing better customer service. We ensure clients receive superior AI development services by utilizing a cutting-edge tech stack. 

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